Help! How to make Wout's green michelin mudd tires?

Step 1: win ebay auction for old (green) Michelin mud clincher - complete ($22!)

Step 2: remove old worn out tread from FMB casing - complete

Step 3: purchase barge cement - complete.

I would appreciate advice for the next steps to complete the process.  Sorry if this information is already posted, I can't seem to track it down.

To complete would be to mount the clincher with a tube and place on a trainer - fit a skinning knife (with a hook that won't pop the tube) and slowly rotate the tire and seperate center section of tread from side casing.

Fit tubular onto stretcher rim, just enough psi to take shape

Apply barge cement to both surfaces, let sit per instructions.

Fit tread to casing on stretcher rim.

Inflate to 30 psi.

Wrap with wax paper.

Wrap with duct tape.

Let sit for full cure time.

Anything I'm missing?