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Okay, a common discussion but it's constantly changing so I wanna know who is using tape? There are a few types out there, tufo's different models, vittoria tape, and cxw's "belgian tape". Is anyone using just tape? Or always glue and tape?

I've had fine success with just glue, but as I think about traveling to some races, I'd like to figure out if tape is a good option if I want to change a tire when I get out there, or heaven forbid flat.

I trust Stu's knowledge and methods, but I guess nothing is foolproof. Timmy rolled a tire at Gstar last year.

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I've used the glue/Tufo Extreme tape combo with mixed success. One wheel is holding up fine after a couple light seasons. The other didn't roll, .but needed to be redone after a few races after the adhesive and tape started to separate. I wouldn't trust tape alone. In the future, I'm going with just glue.
I've used the Cyclocrossworld Belgian stuff with good success, thus far. I won't say it'll last forever, but after a good season last year, it's still holding pretty well. With glue, you generally have to re-glue annually, to be sure. At least I have. But the tape / glue system seems pretty solid. First race this weekend, we'll see if I'll be eating my words or not.
Used the following:

Tufo Extreme + Glue
Velomax Tape + Glue ( method)
Just Glue (three layers on the rim and three on the base tape mounted with one additional 'wet' layer on the rim)

The tufo extreme totally destroyed the base tape when removing the tire. I have been happiest with just glue, but it is time intensive and is smelly for a few days while you mount tires. I am pretty happy with the velomax tape as well. It is super clean, easy, ad fast). Used it for a short period last year and have 150 miles on a newly mounted set of tubs this year.
I built up a set of bomber wheels last season, Ambrosio Nemesis 36h rims, Ultegra hubs and I had some Tufo T34 tires to go with them. These are the big, heavy Tufos. Was gonna use these for training and ruff courses. Some of my friends had had good results with the Tufo standard tape, so I decided to follow their lead on this wheelset, try it out. I put a light coat of Vittoria Mastik One on the base tape (not in the Tufo directions, probably wrong) and a light coat on the rim (again, not Tufo's directions) and immediately put the tape on the rim and the tire on the tape. All seemed well. Days later I raced this wheelset at the Pilarcitos Candlestick Point course, got a decent result. Two weeks later I raced them at Pilarcitos McLaren Park and rolled one right off the rim. The tape stayed stuck to the tire.

I'm 205lbs, I ran them at about 30psi or so, I'm probably worst case. I think the instructions call for wetting the standard tape and putting it on without any glue, but I got this glue + tape recipe from one of my friends and that's what I tried.

I know glue works - when done properly* - so I think I'll stick with that.

* I rolled a tire I glued on, not long before this tape incident. I hadn't used enough glue. Last season was kind of a learning experience for me, WRT tubular tires.

that's a great pic. i forget - did you stay upright?

hope your tires stayed on today if you raced!
Hey Andrew, I think I did stay upright, I think it was a front tire and it felt like I had taco-ed the wheel, but it was still turning. I got a wheel from a friend and finished the race, but lost a lot of places.

Today was Lauren's day again to race at Livermore, and she again got 2nd to Janelle. I was on soccer duty. I'll race dfL next week, then I think we'll all do CCCX. See you at one of them?

I guess I better check / glue some tires for CCCX...

Glad you stayed upright!

I have always glued with Mastik 1.

This morning I tried the Stu - Belgian method of glue + tape. Using the tape didnt give me a lot of time or room to align the tire. Its ok though but not perfect, like I can do with aligning with just glue. Time will tell how it hold up.
Tufo tape + glue
I have used CXW Belgian Tape with Vittoria Mastik One glue with no problems. If you have to reglue a tire like after a flat there is more junk on the rim, but it can easily be removed with a scraper after softening with a heat gun.

As for TUFO tape alone, just say no. You need to saturate the cotton base tape on the tire to get a good bond. How are you going to do that with tape?

From here on out I think I am going to just use the traditional method of many layers of Mastik One, with plenty of drying time between each layer. Reliable, and less residue on tire and rim if you have to change the tire.

This is all questions that I am dealing with at the time as well. A variable that is not being mentioned is what tire is being used. As long as we are considering minor details, whatever the base tape is made out of I would think play an important role in the bond. I personally have been doing a lot of mountain trails and other riding on my Easton EC90slx wheels with Tufo cubus tires and only using the tape to hold them on. I check the bond each ride and all seems great. I even raced the cross bike in a mountain race. No tires rolled. 


I got on here to see what people had to say about tufo tape and other tires than tufo. what I read is that the success there is hit and miss. My experience is that Tufo on Tufo on clean carbon easton rims is a good option.

I went to LBS to get glue, etc. to glue on my Griffo's to my Bontrager XXX rims (my first time glueing tubbies myself). Store owner told me to use Tufo tape only - easy, clean, and holds.  I didn't know any better, so I listened to him.  Installed both tires in a matter of minutes.  Several practices and eight races later, I haven't had a single issue.  Off-camber, grass to cement mid turn, etc., all is fine. I also tried to roll them off with my hands after reading the opinions of others, but they are tight.  Sorry to hear others haven't been aas fortunate.   


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