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I'm new to cyclocross, but my prediction is that 2012 will be the year of the disc brake.  More specifically I'm guessing that a percentage of the cx bike manufacturers will dabble with a model or two on low to mid-range bikes.  Why?  1) It's hard to compete on bike weight alone.  2) Disc brake technology exists, although geared towards MTBs.  3) A portion of people that buy CX bikes use them as commuters and like the idea of powerful braking.  I think disc brakes will follow an adoption pattern of - too heavy & don't need them -> don't see a need for them -> everybody has them.  Shimano, SRAM, Campagnolo will only grudgingly follow the trend in cannibalizing their existing cx bike brake technology.  Thoughts? or any other predictions?

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Its easy to built a lightweight Disc Cx-Bike. But not a lot people know. another point is that a lot of riders love the oldstylish view of the bike. The Racescene is very often a kind of cobservative. Just wait. I am sure too, that the disc will come.
I think you're right, especially in the U.S. We're getting there, slowly but surely, following the mtb innovation train...I put mini-v brakes on one of my CX bikes, so that's only about 10 years behind mtb innovation, right? So with disc brakes, when did they first start coming out for mtb? Frankly, I think the discs on CX bikes are not very elegant-looking, but neither are canti's. And the simple fact is that when one of the big companies pays any of the sport's supa-stas enough to overcome the minor weight disadvantage, they'll take off.

There is one race situation where discs make sense, fast and wet.  That's a  pretty UNcommon combination.

If you are racing a decent 'cross course, brakes just aren't that important.  Just coasting will slow you down a whole lot.  Updated mafacs are enough when racing on most courses.  


As for the claim that it is 'easy' to build a lightweight bike equipped with discs, let's define lightweight.  "lightweight" as in grazing the UCI minimum weight requirement?  No.  "Lightweight" compared to < $1000 bikes?  Yes. 


I'm not saying the market will not be flooded with disc equipped 'cross bikes because it will and at some point sponsors will require riding discs.  Will the discs make a difference at most races?  No.


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