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Category 4 vs. Category 4 Masters 35+, which should I race in?

I'm new to racing this year.  At my first race I was talking to someone and I mentioned that I would be racing in the Cat 4 masters 35+ race and the guy laughed and told me that this category is pretty fierce.  So as a new rider, should I be racing in cat 4 or the cat 4 masters 35+?  Advantages and disadvantages.  I'm not fast but I've been riding bikes for a long time and getting faster in CX.  And I placed roughly the same in the two races I've done; one race being cat 4 masters 35+ and one cat 4 and masters 35+ combined.

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I asked the same question a couple of months ago.  What I found is that OVERALL cat 4 is faster than Masters Cat 4.  However, the top guys of the maters divisions are among the top guys of the open division. You can look at prior results of each race and get an idea, based on times, of the differnce.   One of the series I race in is set up such that CAT 4 masters race first thing in the morning, and then Cat 4 open a couple of hours later.  A handful of us race in both.  I am definately more competitive in the Masters division.  The other series that I race in lumps us all together. It is tough to campare the results of one race against another, apples/oranges - different guys show up, different courses favor different strengths, etc.  I always hate when people say just have fun (because I want to get better, win, etc), but it definately holds true in cross - race with the group that you enjoy the most. 
Cool, thanks.  That backs up what I was thinking after looking at the times of racers at the events that I have raced in.


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