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I'm a cross noob - not racing yet, but planning to. I've been practicing my dismounts and I'm doing okay. I can pick up the bike smoothly and run with it.


But my remounts are choppy - I'm not clipping in well, I'm losing momentum/speed, it's just ugly. Any advice for improving the remount?

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Check out video of Katie Compton, she's the most efficient out there and faster than most guys. There's a couple very subtle movements she uses that makes the transitions faster. Mostly importantly is think about what you're about to do. Start slowly and refine each movement on the bike then progress the speed and variety of terrain
And finally leave out the "step thru" that when out 10yrs ago
What do you mean about step thru? Not cool to do on dismount?
Thanks for the tips. Katie just seems to "float" back on to the bike. I'm thinking that's core strength and control.
eHow will have to update their "how to cross" video as that guy teaches you to do the old step-thru
Hey Joe where did you find the video of Katie? I searched youtube but didn't find much...Thanks.
Go to YouTube and enter the phrase "Katie Compton cyclocross" - there are a bunch of vids posted. The one from 2005 nationals (I think it is) is reasonably good at showing her dismount/mount technique.

Also just for fun, enter the phrase "cyclocross commercial" - there's a pretty good TV spot promoting a race in Providence RI
First, lets start with the basics, your bike should be on your right, centered with the seat beside your hip(at riding position). Both of your hands should be on the bar, and both of the tires should be on the ground. If that is set then here is how I teach in the CX clinics.

I break my re-mount down in to 3 basic parts,

1 Running: Once the bike is down, run with it, assuming that the bike is on your right(it should be) I count steps starting with my left leg. left leg down:1, right leg down:2, left leg down:3......When I step down on 3, I lift my right leg up & on to the seat of the bike. Notice I said lift my leg, not jump!!! the idea is to glide from the inside of your right theigh on to the seat. Start off slow & get the count down, step1, step2, step3 & lift.

2 Remount: Once you have the timing down to get your leg up, now you can re-mount. At this point, your left leg will be on the ground still & your bike's saddle will be resting against the inside of you right theigh, you will be in a very uncomfortable position if you are standing still & most likely your bike will be leaning tward you.(once you start doing this at speed, it won't be so awkard.) Simply push off with your left leg like you are going to seasaw from side to side on your bike. What will happen is that your body will center its self on the sadle & you will now be on the bike.

3 Start pedaling: This is actually where I see most people having problems.....Just start pedaling!!!!! don't look for the pedals, don't try to clip in, Just pedal Damn It!! Your feet will hit the pedals, you will figure out where the cleats are & you will clip in. I have seen so many people crash, stutter step, & get passed due to trying to find their pedals while re-mounting.

Like Kiwimark said, start off slow & refine each movement. Slow down when you practice, If you hurry you will be slopy & make mistakes. Slow is smoth, & smoth is fast.
Thanks JD! I will get out this afternoon and practice these tips. I can tell already that I am (a) trying to "jump" back on bike and (b) focusing too much on clipping in right off the bat. Can't wait to get out and try it (45 degrees today in Buffalo - downright balmy!)
I found this video last fall. A few great tips that I would have never thought of as a newbie. I went and practiced dismounting/ mounting after watching this video and felt way more comfortable going into the next race.

Also, great write-up Joseph!
Very helpful video. Thanks


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