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Unreal Cycles is offering some hot deals on wheels for your cross bikes right now. We're the exclusive online retailer of Grammo and Pro-Lite wheels. Grammo is a New Zealand based company that is breaking into the US market after years of success at home. Pro-Lite is a large wheel manufacturer that decided to utilize their vast wheel building expertise and make their own unique and high performing wheels available to the US market. Both offer tremendous value and performance to the cross and road racer.

All of the 2008 Pro-Lites are offered at a deep discount and ready to ship. We need to make room for the 2009 models. You can purchase them online or over the phone to get the PRo-Lite deals.

We're offering the Grammo wheels at a 20% discount to CX Magazine folks utilizing the super secret handshake, bro deal format. You'll need to email us or give us a call and let us know your screen name to get the discount on Grammo.

Both wheel brands offer options in carbon, alloy, tubular and clincher models at a wide range of price points and are in stock and ready to ship today.

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