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So, I may be opening a can of worms, but I am curious as to what the cross community thinks about the following topic:

I have grown increasingly disappointed with USCF involvement in small cross events (I don't mean these comments to apply to big races, where strict rules / enforced cross categories are obviously necessary).

Generally, I feel like the following have no place at small events: 1) rules about what cross category one can race in, 2) rules about feed zones, 3) rules about kits (two instances of officals telling folks they could not wear xyz jersey in the B field this weekend alone!), 4) rules about pit access, 5) rules about the number or type obstacles, etc etc. These venues are designed to be fun, and chill affairs. I appreciate the necessity of the insurance that USCF offers these race venues and also the support that individual officials provide each weekend. That said, I worry that USCF oversight and formality is making cross lose some of its home brewed, grass roots feel (I don’t really want to feel like I am showing up at a road race).

Has anyone given any thought to how small promoters cross can work with the USCF (or perhaps some other insurer) to help the "local" races keep their classic “cross” feel?

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My local community is putting on a series of 5 cx races this season. I don't know how legal it is but at registration I have never been asked for my liscense nor have I seen a USCF official. Riders sign a release and there is no prize $, only medals. Is this the way around the USCF? The races have been great and it does have that grass roots feel that you mentioned.


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