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After a stellar season racing short-track xc on a singlespeed bike, in a womens' singlespeed category, I have been informed that Cross Crusade probably won't offer separate singlespeed categories for men and women. This is, I'm told, because of the sheer size of the start fields at Cross Crusade; the logistics would simply be too much.

So now I have to decide what category to enter for my second season of cross.

I'm no great shakes as a racer -- old, heavy and slow, on a singlespeed mountain bike (it's what I've got). I finished last in every short-track race but raced every week and felt good about my efforts. That said, I can either go back to Beginner Women, or I can go to my masters age group (Master 45+). I have no desire to ever race on a geared bike. I'm also comfortable with the knowledge that I am slower rider; for me it's about the experience of handling my bike in dirt and mud in a crazy-fun atmosphere. So -- I'm leaning towards giving myself a break and catting down to beginners for another year.

Anyone else have this experience? I'd welcome insights from other back-of-the-packers.

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