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Is anyone still racing? or has everyone pulled their skis out?

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When everyone else is licking their wounds, there is Peak Season.

All of January; I'm doing two races in SoCal and two in NorCal (ending the season in Watsonville and hoping for another mudbath). I have stopped cross specific training/riding and have been enjoying long road and mountain bike ride this past week.
After the last Cross Crusade race I hosed off by bike and didn't look back, but while visiting my family in Sacramento I did a race there. There were a whopping 6 people in the SS catagory. While not much of a race, this was one of the most fun coarses I have ever ridden. Kinda like short track in the rain. I am going to do one more race in Sac on January 3rd. If anyone lives nearby, air up your tires and come race. It's more fun with more than six people.
We're lucky to have 6 people in the SS category out here!
Looking ahead... I'm getting my wife's bike and my bike ready for a winter get away to Maui! I invested some serious coin (more than my wife knows) on bikes that split apart (S & S couplers) and the special cases, so now it's time to look for Hawaiian trails!
No skis yet ;we're only halfway through our series.Actually no skis ever.I miss my skis.Send help.Bring snow.
So, I don't want to toot my own horn, so-to-speak, but I thought you all might like to know that I upgraded to CX3 this weekend and won. At the line the guys were giving me a hard time about needing to get some gears so I left them behind. Single Speeds are viable racing machines in any category. Actually, on Saturday, Single Speed riders won both the CX4 and CX3 races...


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