Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

Profile Information:

About Me:
pro cyclist
Current Bike Collection:
Ahrens, Scott, Rocklobster, Kona, Bianchi, Klein, Nevada, Redline, Diamant (antique cross bike)
Favorite Race:
RVV and Koppenbergcross
Dream Bike:
Favorite thing about cyclocross:
(Am i the only one who checked "I beat Nys" below or is Boom on the site? Theoretically i do beat him every race since ours finishes before the men's. haha)
How long have you been racing cyclocross?
9 years?
Racing category:
I beat Nys

Comment Wall:

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  • JesseD

  • JesseD

    Hey Girl!

    How was your summer? Are you ready for the upcoming season? Thanks for joining my group!!!
  • JesseD

    Hey Christine,
    I read your editorial about the UCI tire size rule, good work. I don’t see how this benefits anyone really. If they want to keep the cost down for Jr’s then the rule should only apply to them. Like was mentioned in your editorial the big names and teams will still have truckloads of tires and wheels. I want to know how the UCI is going to check tire size “during the races”. “The commissaires will be checking the width of tires on site, randomly or systematically, whenever they want, before, during and/or after the races.” I could just see it now lap 3 tech inspections, everyone stops where they are and a commissar caliper checks all the racers tire widths!!!