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mario barker
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  • Guilderland
  • United States
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Hashimoto’s Disease

Rx 2 Go Pharmacy

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that can cause underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. It happens when your immune system produces antibodies that attack the cells in your thyroid as if they were germs, viruses, or other foreign substances. This results in a decline in hormone production, a condition called hypothyroidism. What Happens in Hashimoto Thyroiditis? ...

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Fungal Nail Infection

Rx 2 Go Pharmacy

Fungal nail infections, also known as onychomycosis, are an infection that affects the nails of both fingers and toes. The infection happens when fungi, begin to overgrow in the nail. This can cause the nail to become brittle, discolored, and thickened and can lead to other complications if left untreated. Why do Fungal Nail Infections ...

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Rx 2 Go Pharmacy

Adenomyosis is a gynecologic disorder that affects the uterus, causing the tissue that normally lines the uterus to grow into the muscular wall of the organ. It causes your uterus to thicken and enlarge—to double or triple its normal size. This enlargement can cause painful periods, heavy or extended menstrual flow that clots, and abdominal/pelvic ...

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Rx 2 Go Pharmacy

Epididymitis occurs when the epididymis swells. This disease can be acute (sudden) or chronic (long-term). It is usually caused by a bacterial infection.  Acute epididymitis manifests fast as redness and discomfort and resolves with therapy. Chronic epididymitis develops slowly. It often causes duller pain and is a long-term issue. While it can occur at any ...

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Rx 2 Go Pharmacy

Orchitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of one or both testicles due to infection or an underlying condition. Most often, it is due to bacterial infections like sexually transmitted infections (STI).  Symptoms of Orchitis Orchitis develops due to the following: Risk factors for sexually transmitted orchitis include: Symptoms of Orchitis Symptoms include: ·      Pain ...

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At 8:25am on September 16, 2019, Stella said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


At 8:39am on July 21, 2019, Alexandria Guerrero said…

Good day,

I am Alexendria Guerrero From, Austin Texas, United States. I am US Army Special Force Team working at Us military base in syria, if you don't mind i would like you to send me message to my email ( so that we can exchange pictures to know each other better.

Have a nice day.


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