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I have dark grey gunk from my wet ali rims and blocks all over my challenge grifo open tubulars,

How can i successfully clean them without damage????

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Comment by Adam Leman on April 7, 2015 at 8:18am

No problem. It does darken the sidewalls a bit, but they stay clean in the long run. As I'm typically looking to get a few years out of Challenge tubulars, I have always done this in the past.

BTW, those brushes (or those like them from auto detailing shops) are awesome and really are perfect for cleaning your entire bike.

Comment by Shaun Jeffery on April 6, 2015 at 7:01pm

Thanks Adam ill give it a go,

I hadn't sealed them bit i will this time, 


Comment by Adam Leman on April 6, 2015 at 6:03pm

Shaun - are they coated with aquaseal?

Either way, a gentle soap like diluted simple green and a natural fiber brush (like those available at are a good bet to get anything off that hasn't seeped into the fabric.

Coated sidewalls help to prevent some staining, especially from brake dust.

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