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I'm 34 years old and a good result away from upgrading to cx 2. I've never been to Nationals before, and given the geography, this is probably my last chance until they hit the east coast again. I'm not really psyched to drive 12 hrs to do the B race on Thurs and then sit around watching others race all weekend. So is it legit for me to do the Master's race as a cx2? What about the elite race? All three for that matter? Or should I just accept that I'm a punter and stay home?

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while others may disagree that nationals is really only an event for those who have a chance, I think the nature of 'cross and the fact that you are able to, you might as well do all the events you can and have a blast. that being said, if you have no shot at at a title, I would do everything I could to avoid getting in the way of those that do, but if you're going to make the trip, why not at least do the b and master's race? if you've got any title hopes you could always do the b race as a course recon at race pace.

i've been to a bunch of nationals and even as a spectator, it's great racing. i was bummed to not ride last year, but still had a blast watching the drama unfold. and since UCI races are everywhere now, it's the one time the country's best all get together. jonathan page's presence alone changes the racing.
definitely go! Race B's, then race masters. Stay out of the A race even if you make two. You should really be a one to race that one, and you will just get lapped and pulled and waste money and plus, its the best one to watch!

Do single speed the moring of elites. Its the most fun and then you clean up and wam, time for the pro race!

You should really do nationals ned. The b's you would pretty much rock in. As for the masters I have no idea, but I am lining up for the elite. The way I look at it is if only the people that showed up raced the elite race we may have 10 guys line up. Instead we have over 100. Give it a go this season and it will give you a better idea of what to do for the coming years,


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