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Ok so I subscribed to the CX magazine iphone app and recieved issue 15. My subscription on the app says that it is good until 3/13/2013 but for some reason I have only issue 15 available to download and read. Why am I not being notified of new editions when they are available. I paid the annual subscription fee.

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I will email you with how we can fix this. Thank you for your patience. :)

I have the same problem, but with the iPad app (I have issue 15 practically memorized). Could you include me in on the fix?

Still no fix for this? Have not heard a word about this. How about just send me the paper copies going forward since I payed for the subscription in March and I have only been able to download Issue 15. Or just send me my money back !!!

Ok I look forward to your email! I would love to be able to read Issue 16 soon. Wish I would of opted for the paper copy to be mailed now..



Add me to the list of people who can't access issue number 16 through my ipad.  I have emailed CX Magazine's subscription department directly, but haven't received a reply.  Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

Yea, I emaled them too and no reply. 

Emailed not emaled :)

At this point the lack of response I have recieved in UNACCEPTABLE !!!!

WTF??  So CX Mag any status on this bug/fix?  We have paid our subscriptions, informed you of the problem (thanks for the thread Matthew) and except for a promised email from Joey there has been zero communication about this; apparently our private emails to the CX subscription line have gone unanswered and the apps developer website returns and "invalid address" error - something is starting to smell fishy .  I enjoy CX magazine, but $21.99 for a single issue is a little steep, and I value decent costumer service over everything else.  So as of today you have a week to do something (ANYTHING) about this or I'm canceling my subscription and writing a very negative review of the CX iPad app.  


I recieved an email from Andrew and hopefully he has responded to everyone here who has indicated they have an problem. If you have not heard from him let me know and I will make sure you have contact with him.

Nope, not a word, but I'm glad that you heard something from someone. Is there a fix for this? 

I finally got a response from Erik at CX Magazine.  He said that the main guy at the magazine had a severe accident, and hasn't been in the office, but he should get the problem fixed soon.  I waited several additional weeks, and then send him another email saying that I wanted a printed version instead.  He replied to that and said that he could convert my subscription into a paper version.  We'll see how long it take for the print edition to arrive in my mailbox.


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