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We're calling for names/locations of cycling teams focused on 'cross. There's a growing number of them out there, and it was cool to see a newbie find a 'cross-focused team ( ) thanks to Mafia Racing. Along with Mafia, Hup, BKB, Crossniacs, Altezza 40, (and probably half of Portland OR), what other amateur cyclocross racing teams are out there? We think it'd also be a great resource for newbies or relocated racers. Not looking for road or mtn teams that also do 'cross but teams really built around the racing and culture of 'cross.

Throw out your names, and if you have a website URL and contact person, that'd be awesome. We might just do a profile on them!

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some of us non-newbie people doing a bunch of UCI races would love to find a cross focused team ALSO...
Yeah...this would be awesome. I gave up MTB racing a few years ago thanks to lack of fitness and an injury that causes my hand to go numb on descents...(bad thing). SO I tried it. That's basically all I do, but I had to join up with a road team to at least have some support out. I did manage to get a couple of guys from my road team to try cx this past season, so maybe it will grow. I know that there is North CArolina CX and the Augusta Cross Coalition from Augusta GA. Too far from me. But I would love to see some dedicated cross teams with cross kits, etc.
David We are always looking for new members to join the syndicate! We have members racing for us throughout the continental US, take a look at the website and go from there!
anyone know of someone on BKB?
One of the biggest (if not the biggest) Seattle Cyclocross teams is OTBCX or Old Town Bicycle Cyclocross.

Cat 4 all the way through Cat 1. Men, women of all ages including young juniors. Gears and one-gears.

Tons of sponsors--local and and non-bike.

And they are all cool. published one of the team member's poems!


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