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Love cyclocross? Love writing/photography/publishing? Want journalism scene cred/clips? We're looking for some volunteers for race coverage this season. There are so many races every weekend, we can't be at them or watching them all, so we're looking for a few volunteers who would be interested in writing and publishing with us. You don't need to be at the race to report on it, watching a livestream is totally fine. Email if you're interested!

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Hi Molly. Crazy day today but I have something for you. I have pix too. Restricted to getting them to you. Let me know if you want them.

Begin write:

What's the dust rising out of sea otter here on April 21st? Cyclocross for the first time at this event.  Strangely, I feel quite fortunate that after the Carmel valley Fondo of 96 miles, I had the sanity not to enter the masters cross race today.  With temperatures around 80 degrees, this is definitely not the cross weather that I'm used to in the north west. It's hot and dusty out here and if you put yourself on the start line today you are already a hard ass!

This course may not be (reportedly) overly challenging but It is very well situated at the site for spectators.  Actually the best vantage point was at the Sierra nevada beer tent.  Nothing goes better with cx than beer and with this heat it's pretty much a necessity.

The great this about this is that the crowd is eating it up. It fits in so well with this mix mountain and road event. Theres cow bells ringing people shouting and great announcing.  A perfect introduction to cross and the fans are eating it up!

The race was grueling. Not because of the technicality of the course, it was the heat.  When the bell lap sounded today with the all cat masters men there are a few hardest of the bunch which you can check at the sea otter website (not official yet). But seriously if you ventured into the dust to cyclocross  Today at sea otter, you are hard, tough and have me tipping my hat to you. And I think that you also helped push the sport a little more and I bet we see it kicking up dust again next year at sea otter!

Working on it! Well, when I'm not working on the Pirate Badger Racing short track jungle cross summer stuff.

Definitely going to look at the race schedules in the Bay Area and consider submitting some work...


I would be happy to pass something along, Im in the portland area and typically take a couple hundred photos and about half the crusade races. see if there is something you all can use.



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