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Hey folks, thanks to your help, we are almost finalists for the intuit small business grant competition. So, we still need to create a short video to have a chance at a grant if we come off the waitlist (another entry doesn't meet all the criteria). It's worth a shot - submitting a video could get us $5k or more in grant money if another entrant failed to meet all these rules.

We're supposed to make a 1-4 minute video that's at least remotely related to our essay entry. The official rules say we should create a: "1 to 4-minute video capturing the story and tip shared in his/her Submission to receive a Finalist Submission Prize"

We would love suggestions/help on:
-non-copyrighted music
-any good 'cross video snippets you've taken
-anyone that has some video editing skills! (not much here)

It's a tight deadline - entries need to be in by May 17th, and we don't wanna suck in case our video goes public. Plus it's a chance to showcase the sport a bit to a wider audience - always a good thing. If you've got some skillz or ideas, let us know!

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Obviously it is indeed a very tight deadline. The conundrum with doing a video like this is that awkward moment, familiar to all cyclocrossers, when you have to explain the sport to a layman. "Um, uh, it's this sublime bike race on dirt on kind of road bikes where you have to, um, get off and run...oh and it's in winter...maybe just look it up on Wikipedia..." I would recommend not attempting this type of general explaination.

I think you should look at the images and words which inspire you to go out and ride your bike. For me it's:

-The astounding photos at
-The photos and words of Eugene Christophe on cross at This site records a rider cleaning the "trou du diable" dropoff -- also the moment mountain biking was invented. These old prewar cross pics establish the heritage of cross.
-A lot of stuff in your magazine, especially the interview with all the 2007 nationals winners -- that really conveyed the community of cross. If you had any video of those interview that would be great, otherwise video from nationals showing how big the sport has become would work well.

Some other ideas:
-Rather than trying to "explain cross" as above, I'd keep the focus tight. It would be great to see, say, different riders from first-timers to elite facing the same tough runup or barrier section in a particular race from the same angle. Maybe some of the riders bungle it completely, while some bunnyhop. Very important to convey that the sport is vibrant and inclusive, welcoming riders with various levels of ability.
-Or you could focus on the "making of"your magazine. Perhaps showing something like your awesome tire pressure tests. The danger in doing this is that it might make the sport seem too arcane, but it would demonstrate your passion for the business.

These are just a few ideas. I wish I had footage or music or something more concrete to offer. I'm a film school grad myself, but I think the distance of 10,000 miles between me and CX mag HQ would preclude collaboration.
10,000 miles? no problem. isn't everything digital nowadays? that's why we won a little digital video camera...
thanks for the input. good stuff. if you wanna help edit, let us know!

any tips on finding music that we'd have permission to use? myspace?
A local metal band, nervz end, might be willing to help out:

nervz end at yahoo dot commmmmmmm

Ryan is who to ask for! They played at the Ithaca GP two years ago and will most likely be back for this year's event. Great guys with an awesome sound. Check out one of their songs on the picture recap "video" at the Ithaca site:


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