Question for those that did Master's Worlds last year. Given the conditions at last years race (about freezing, rain/snow mix, loose layer of mud on top of frozen, rutted, dirt/grass combo), I'm curious what tire combo's worked the best for those that were there. Alternatively, what tire combo are people thinking of running this year? I've got a Rhino front and Limus rear and think it might be a pretty solid option. Thanks in advance. -Jason
Last year was a world of three tails. Day before the racing started was fast & dry. Prlims were all mud and lakes of water and lots of running. finals were frozen ruts with slime. If you don't have a tire for each of these conditions then go with mud, when in question always chose a tire that will work no matter what the conditions.
I'm with John. I ran a Kenda Kommando (35c) in the back and a Panaracer Crossblaster up front. Did about as well as anything since as soon as you dropped into a frozen, mud covered rut you were going along for the ride, like it or not. My qualifiying hapened right as the cold rains came so it was mud, mud, mud. Quite a few were doing well with the Clement PDX *but* alot of folks at the start were sent back because the PDX was measuring too wide.
If it stays dry it'll be a fast course, but likely to be some moisture. I think your choice of treads will get you through the most of it.
What John Mansell said is spot on, mud tires always work, so they're a safe bet. Last year I ran PDX and they were great, this year Louisville is forecast for a very wet January. So, unless it freezes, it's likely going to be a mud tire course.
To defend Clement for a second, I don't know a single case of PDX tubulars measuring too wide. Clinchers will always vary a bit in width based on the rim they're on, so if you want to race on clinchers, be sure to measure them on the rims you'll be using them on, at race pressure (or higher) before you start.
When I went to line up the judge got out his tire-tool and said "another PDX..." to one of the guys and sent him to fix it. Although no one was checking tire width in the pits, so you could have lined up with something narower and hit the pits at half a lap to grab your PDXs (or what have you).
Any idea of what the 2013 Masters course will be like? It appears that it will be in Champions Park this year, which (I think) was the venue for the USGP races prior to Bandman Park being developed.
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