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Wanted: Info about what teams need to make their seasons easier

I suppose this is for team managers or those individuals working to get your group of friends together on some gear for the season:

I've been toying with the idea of using our Shimano account, Belgian clothing importing connection, Craft Clothing account and all of our wheel accounts to create a "one stop shop" for cycling teams. From my experience in gathering sponsorship, I have to go from company to company and beg for stuff, which takes half the year to finalize. The thought is to pool all the needs of a team together into one "sale" and using the collective sale to bring the overall price per item down.

So as to not create problems with shops, I would set minimums on this program, but I wanted to see what the 'cross community thinks a tolerable minimum would be. I figure that individuals or groups of 2 are going to utilize their local shops or Nashbar/Performance/bargain Johnny's on the web. But for larger elite teams in 'cross, or those who know they are facing a $10k equipment, $10k clothing and $5k misc needs Echappe can reduce those numbers. Because I have direct accounts with companies and importing clothing I might be able to get better final prices for teams, though I wouldn't be a source for free stuff like with the original parts manufacturers.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Once 'cross season hits I'll start to throw around some discounts to those that pay attention now.

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