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I got to thinking about setting up a home base when I go to the races this year.  I'm curious to know what you bring for your nest.  I'm not talking about bike stuff but like a canopy, chairs, coolers, etc.  So what do you bring while spending the day at the races?

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One of the teams here brought a turkey fryer and did up a whole meal Thanksgiving weekend.  Was awesome work on their part.  

They hung the turkey on the hanger/base thing over the tape in one corner of the course as a hand-up, but no one bit on it!  :)   Best comment I heard out of those guys:  "Screw the Lion of Flanders, we have the Turkey of Westminster!!!"

With each season it seems that more stuff gets added to the "set-up".

Generally, we have an EZ-Up tent, some chairs, work stand if it's a double weekend, tools of course.

Small cooler, stove for coffee/oatmeal, etc.  Maybe the grill. 

Small table for putting things on.

Will add walls for the tent and a propane space heater.

If it's still early season and sunny, I'll bring the sun-shower. 


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