Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

Profile Information:

About Me:
pro cyclist
Current Bike Collection:
Ahrens, Scott, Rocklobster, Kona, Bianchi, Klein, Nevada, Redline, Diamant (antique cross bike)
Favorite Race:
RVV and Koppenbergcross
Dream Bike:
Favorite thing about cyclocross:
(Am i the only one who checked "I beat Nys" below or is Boom on the site? Theoretically i do beat him every race since ours finishes before the men's. haha)
How long have you been racing cyclocross?
9 years?
Racing category:
I beat Nys

Comment Wall:

  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    Thanks Cyclocross Mag for giving me yet one more way to procrastinate. LOVE IT!

    Pain is the only thing that will NEVER lie to you!
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    I agree!! Unfortunately pain does not always make it through to an athlete's consciousness since, as you know,we have the ability to ignore it!

    But with pain come progress. A saying i learned in The Marine's and still live by, "Pain is weakness leaving the body"!
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    What about broken bones? So once i experience no more pain while riding the bike, does that mean that i am super-mega-hulk-strong? By the way, i do love your Marine's line.
  • chr15

    Erm... Hi :)
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    who is erm?
  • chr15

    Erm is me stuttering over saying hi to you :)
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    you come across a bit more encouragable on my blog though! haha.
  • chr15

    I am hoping you mean encourageble (to be encouraged?) rather than incorrigible?
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    i really did think encouragable (yes, easily encouraged) was a word. Even as i typed it, i was thinking that maybe it could be confused with incorrigible. oops! haha.
  • chr15

    Well I guess I am easily encouraged, and certainly not incorrigible.

    Have you been out training today? I am planning on getting back out on my bike tonight for my first ride since Roubaix, not jsut recovery but other commitments. The Litespeed is in pieces at the mo getting some much needed TLC so it is the 'cross bike! Maybe I'll find some trails to ride!!!
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    No, you have not come across as incorrigible yet...haha! Although i have had a couple of posters who have! I did a recovery ride earlier today. Nice weather but windy. Have a great ride. gotta get back to work.
  • chr15

    If i become incorrigible, give me a smack around the head. Not that it would do any good as if I were incorrigible I wouldn't go changing! Ha!

    My ride last evening consisted of 9x 1km hill repeats... Ouch my thighs!
  • MadCross Renee

    Christine, I saw on your webpage that you are putting together your cross racing plans. I don't know your plans to race in the US but if you're back in September I'd love to have you at the race I'm promoting in Wisconsin. We are offering equal prize money for the women and hope to attract a strong field. Info on the race is online at or on I'd be happy to talk about getting you to Wisconsin if you're in the US.
    Thanks, Renee
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    hi Renee
    I am very aware of your race in september. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. And thanks for your kind offer of help in getting me to Wisconsin. Unless i can come up with the funds to get to USA i am unfortunately stuck in Belgium for the whole season. I suppose it's not a bad place to be for the season... If anything changes, i will let you know as soon as possible.
  • MadCross Renee

    If anything changes please let me know as I would enjoy having you here to race. You have some fans here in Wisconsin as I have had a couple of people ask specifically if you would be coming. However, being stuck in Belgium doesn't sound too bad for a cross racer. Renee
  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    that is too sweet that people asked specifically about me. Since i have spent so much time here in belgium over the last years i assume that i am completely forgotten. Nice to know that isn't the case. That brightened my already fabulous day (we had great weather so earlier today i went for a long walk in the fields getting ready for cross.) best, christine
  • Jon Suzuki

    Another social network?

  • Christine "Peanut" Vardaros

    are you on hi5 or myspace too? how about linkedin? haha
  • GeWilli

    yeah well... i was clicking around and figured might as well try and remember to make my friends actually a friend here ;-)

    scary to think of me joining a facebook type thing... *shiver*
  • Joe Biker

    Christine, I blogged about your blog today, regarding your Mario DeClercq experience and one of your readers comments about dismouting (right leg in front of left or right leg behind left). Stole a photo too, hope you don't mind. I thought it was so enlightening, I had to bring it to the forefront.

    Here's the link:

  • ejpres

    Buh, too bad, I'll be in the Netherlands next weekend (not that I don't like it there also, not at all).
    I would have loved to go to Magstadt though, I have many friends down there (They really love when they have to go to rainy, cold cross races to see me... haha)
    As for Deutschlandcup races: I'll most definitly be in Herford on december 31st. I'll try to be in Vechta, Hamburg plus the Schmelz/Homburg weekend (though otherwise I might want to make that weekend a Belgium weekend at the Vlaamse Cyclocross Cup - never been there, like to check it out.)
  • ejpres

    ps: okay, I saw you have a list of your upcoming races on your blog. Seems we're covering the german races in turns... I also have Zeddam on my agenda, but that most likely is not going to happen. Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I'll be in Hoogerheide for the WCS a spectator... Cheering for you... then... finally...
  • ejpres

    Yup, best of luck for you, too!
  • ejpres

    Okay, Frankfurt is one I might ride as well, I'm not 100% sure yet though. If I happen to go, I expect me to be so far back that it looks I'm in front leading! Haha... I'll let you know if I'll be there.
  • BeardedBIker

    Hey, do you remember a guy that hooked you up with a Trico Sports Iron Case? If yeah, that's me. I'm glad to see that you're living the dream! Down a Duvel for me (or two).

  • Bazymouts

    Hello Christine,

    Andrew from CXM mentioned to me that you use the Speedplay Frog pedals and I was wondering how you liked them. I need a pedal with float and for now these seem to be the bes option, I've read various reviews but none where from cross racers so I was wondering what your take was.


  • Bazymouts

    Hi C,

    Thanks so much for your feedback. You have me convinced that the Frogs are good option for me especially since we see little to no mud in our racing here (NorCal).

  • Bazymouts

    thanks for the heads up on the no "click" when engaging/releasing. i did read that on some of the reviews but as you say the learning curve shouldn't be too bad.

    on a similar note SP has a new pedal in the works but who knows when it'll be out:

    i'll pick up some frogs in the meantime,
  • JesseD

    Awesome interview with Nys! I really enjoyed it. Keep up the great work!
  • JesseD

    YOu are welcome. That is too cool! I got a chance to see Vervecken race here in tacoma wa, in 2003...what a powerhouse!!!

    I would like to know a. what's in his ipod and b. what goes through his mind as he toes the line.
  • Bazymouts

    Hi C, Wanted to drop you a note and let you know who much I like the Frogs. Thanks a ton for your feedback as it made all the difference in me going with them. Best, Basil
  • andrew

    enjoy some american spirit.
  • jejo

    Hi Christine,

    I'm heading over the Belgium next weekend and going to try to watch the GVA in Lille and possibly the Superprestige in Zonhoven. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to plan the trip? I cant find any information online on where in the city these races are. Thanks and keep up the awesome interviews and columns.

  • jejo

    Thanks for the info. I'm planning on staying in Brussels and was going to rent a car to travel to both Lille and Zonhoven. Do you have any suggestions for public transportation? I tried looking to a train but couldn't find any that went to race course. I have a hotel in Brussels but am open to other suggestions also. Thanks again for your help and cant wait to meet you next weekend!
  • JesseD

    Just read your write up in issue 8. Really enjoyed it.