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I dont know about any of the rest of you But I am pissed at this magazine. I in good faith sent payment for subscription and all back issues, $75 worth and have received nothing. I tried to call and the phone has been disconnected.Its been well over a month. I want my damn money back! Filing a dispute with paypal tonight!

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I hope somebody calls you. I just sent in my money for a subscription as well......
I recently subscribed and requested a back issue as well (not all), and hadn't seen anything. I tried communicating a couple of times and didn't get a response, then got really irritated and used a variety of methods and Andrew called me back quite quickly...from the hospital where his wife had just had their first baby. Having been there and done that three times in my own life, I was willing to cut him some slack.

I've seen a hardcopy of the magazine, and it's worth the subscription price, IMHO. I encourage you to give another shot at contacting him and seeing if things get sorted. I'm not making excuses--just offering my own recent experience.
I picked up #10 and lots to read...hope to get #11 soon
hi todd - just wanted to be clear that we're quarterly - so the wait is often unbearable but during the season we're trying to be a little more frequent and hope to mail our next issue in november - which would be a record for us. stay tuned. just curious - where did you pick up issue #10?
Veloce in PDX
thats too bad... i have had nothing but good experiences with the guys at the magazine.

a lot of times getting an international subscription (i'm in australia) can be dicey as we are the last to get mags, often months late and lost.

Cx mag has always turned up soon after the mag was shipped, my first sub request was processed pretty quickly and the back issue showed up in a few weeks.

given this is a small operation im very impressed with their work.

give them a little time... have you tried PM'ing andrew via the forum? i havent seen him on their recently so maybe life and the current cross season has been burying him?
I'll back up Andrew (Head Editor and do it all guy at CX Magazine). He's always on top of things. I'm pretty sure the delay you've had is related to the new baby in Andrew's family. He's nothing short of a stand-up guy. You'll get your back issues soon. And then you'll be in Cyclocross heaven.
It takes forever to get CXMagazine, but it always comes... and it's always worth it.
hey there - our phone works i promise - i'm sorry you had trouble - and I will do my best to make this right. i am behind due to interbike and a new baby which are totally not justified excuses. give me a ring or leave me a private message with your number and i'll do what I can or refund your money right away.

Brother, if there was a good excuse or two these seem to fit the bill. Seriously, family comes first, well your own faily not your subscribing family.

Best to you and the misses on the new edition. If this is your first then welcome to a very special fraternity of dads here. If it is your second, dude didn't you learn the firs ttime? :)


It gets really fun when they start asking for their own CX bike so they can race, too.
First I want to thank everyone for the reply's and shedding some light on the other end of my frustration. Second I want to apologize to Andrew, I had no idea about the baby. I hope all is well with the new addition to your family. I had a similar situation when my son was born. Not that its a good excuse but I got frustrated when the phone call didn't go through. Get them to me when you can. Gog bless your lil one.


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